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IIT-K pilot project: Premier inst to provide KMC roadmap for solid waste disposal

A team of five senior scientists from different departments of IIT Kanpur (IIT-K) is developing a comprehensive roadmap to address solid waste management. Initially, the plan will be implemented in Kanpur, with the intention of expanding it across the entire state thereafter.
Prof Sachchidanand Tripathi, dean of the newly established Kotak School of Sustainability at IIT Kanpur, said that the Uttar Pradesh government had asked for the institute’s assistance in developing a comprehensive blueprint for solid waste disposal. This initiative was initiated through a directive from the institute’s director, Prof Manindra Agarwal.
“One round of meetings has already taken place with government agencies, and we will be providing a roadmap to the Kanpur Municipal Corporation, which will subsequently be implemented across the state,” Prof Tripathi stated.
The project is being supported by experts from civil engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, biosciences, and bioengineering departments. This team has recently met with the district magistrate and municipal commissioner to outline the course of action for the project.
To ensure the successful implementation of the initiative, a coordination committee will be established, comprising representatives from IIT Kanpur, the administration, and the municipal body.
The Kanpur Municipal Corporation (KMC) operates a solid waste management plant with a capacity of 1,500 tonnes of waste. However, currently, only 1,200 tonnes of waste are being disposed of effectively.
This collaborative approach aims to streamline efforts and enhance the effectiveness of solid waste management in the region.
